Export the goods to abroad

Local serivce with global aspects:

  • funding of working capital – Get contract financing.
  • buyer’s non-payment risk mitigation – credit control service with risk protection.
  • sales ledger and cash management – actual receivable accounts status.

Terms and clauses:

  • funding up to 100% of invoice amount.
  • with net payment term up to 260 days.
  • starting limit – RUB 30 mln or in equivalent.
  • factoring fee depends on receivables volume and chosen scheme.

Factoring schemes:

  • recourse factoring - get finance fast and easy.
  • non-recourse factoring - secure your business environment.
To receive factoring proposal
please complete apply online
How to get the financing?
Complete apply online
and send documents
Receive an approval
of the deal and sign
factoring contract online
Get money
after delivery
8 (800) 250-77-66
Бесплатный звонок по России
8 (495) 230-05-17
Для Москвы и Московской области
Оставить заявку